Influence of the silicone breast implants on autoimmune processes and their hormonal regulation: one year follow-up results
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breast cancer
aesthetic surgery
reconstructive surgery
silicone implant
breast augmentation
thyroid hormones


The article presents the results of studying the immune-endocrine status of patients before and after breast surgery. 106 patients were operated. Full annual clinical and laboratory control was performed in 79 of them. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group consisted of patients who underwent breast surgery using a silicone implant, both for aesthetic (to correct shape and volume) and reconstructive indications (breast reconstruction after cancer treatment). The second group consisted of patients who underwent various operations on the mammary glands without the use of silicone (lifting, reduction, lipofilling, sectoral resection, radical resection, amputation, mastectomy).

As a result of statistical analysis, it was found that in this sample of patients, neither the preoperative status (relatively healthy women and patients with breast cancer; smokers and nonsmokers; those who received chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy and those who did not), nor postoperative complications had a relationship with levels of autoantibodies and hormones in recipients. Half of patients had hyperprolactinemia before surgery, regardless of the group, with subsequent normalization in the postoperative period. 6 months after silicone implantation (but not in control group), a significant increase in antibodies to the TSH receptor (TSHR-Ab) was revealed, which was maintained throughout a year.

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